Scientific Programme


The 2023 DRAKKAR workshop will take place in Grenoble from Monday January 30th to Wednesday February 1st. The scientific programme is provided in the image below for the 3 days. It will consist of on-site + online sessions, and of on-site only sessions.

Update 1: Unlike was announced earlier, the workshop will (thanksfully) take place in the INRIA building throughout the 3 days! 

Update 2: "List of all posters" tab available in the left column

Update 3: slight changes have been introduced in the Programme (image below)

ON-SITE + ONLINE SESSIONS (red central rectangle)

Green slots : keynote talks by Abigael Bodner (Courant Institute), Nathan Beech (AWI) and Gustavo Marques (NCAR), three young scientists who will present their recent exciting work. Keynote talks will be 25-30min long, followed by 15 min for Q&A; they will be recorded and shared with the participants 

Light orange slots : series of 5 to 6 five-minute talks followed by 20-minute Q&A periods. On-site and remote presenters will provide a short introduction of their work (the 16:00-16:45 Tuesday session is dedicated to remote presenters). On-site presenters will be invited to present their work extensively during the poster sessions.


Grey slots : each of the three days will begin with on-site sessions dedicated to 4 specific activities or discussions.

Dark orange slots : these sessions will be devoted to plenary discussions concerning 3 subjects. 

Blue slots : poster sessions during which on-site presenters of the current day will present their work in detail. The posters of remote presenters will be displayed as well.


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